cpp files can be handled very similarly to the. * Copy constructor creates a copy of this CompartmentType_t.ĬompartmentType(const CompartmentType& orig) * Creates a new CompartmentType_t, optionally with the given id and name attribute values. h file: class LIBSBML_EXTERN CompartmentType : public SBase Here is an example taken from a class definition in a. This makes it easier for the eye to spot transitions between method definitions. Please try to leave 2 blank lines between method declarations and other items in the definitions of classes.* name a string, the optional name of thisĬompartmentType (const std::string& id = "", const std::string& name = "") * id a string, the identifier of this CompartmentType_t instance * creation of the object, and instead can be set using the setId() * however, the identifier does not have to be set at the time of * In SBML, identifiers are required for CompartmentType_t objects * Creates a new CompartmentType_t, optionally with the given id and

The following example illustrates this: /** If you also need to refer to the parameters in the textual description of the method, use the command. If it's a method and the method returns a value, also use to describe the returned value. If it takes parameters, use to describe the parameters. For each method or data member in the class definition, include a comment block ahead of it, making sure to provide at least a brief description.(As you might guess from its name, the keyword is something defined by libSBML's documentation-production system and not a standard Doxygen command.) The example file fragment above demonstrates this. h file, and then write a brief one-sentence description of the class after the keyword. Place the keyword immediately on the line after each declaration in the. This keyword takes one argument, a label for the package for SBML Level 3 Core code, use the label "core". Use the special keyword to indicate the SBML Level 3 package to which a class belongs.* The various ListOf_ classes in SBML are merely containers used for * Implementation of SBML's %ListOfCompartments Compartments do not necessarily have to correspond to * A compartment in SBML represents a bounded space in which species * Implementation of SBML's %Compartment construct. The following example illustrates this procedure (and note how more than one class can be described in the header): /** Thus, for the documentation of classes, please put the documentation in the file header rather that ahead of the class itself in the file. However, we have to do it differently because of how our files are used to generate output for multiple language bindings. The normal, plain Doxygen way that one would document a class (but we do not do it this way) is to put a comment block immediately in front of the class declaration in the file. h file will typically have a class declaration in it. When more than one author should be acknowledged for a given file, use multiple entries, one per line.

* understood by Doxygen will begin with the character type of Doxygen comment, used to document enumeration members, begins with /*!*/ * Comments that start with two asterisks within which commands

The main types of Doxygen comments consist of a C-style comment block beginning with two asterisks ( *) characters, as in the following example: /**.Although Doxygen keywords/tags can be prefixed with either or \\, Javadoc only understands keywords prefixed with Consequently, always use the prefix for keywords so that they will be understood by both Doxygen and Javadoc.
Doxygen special commands how to#
The guidelines presented in this section are oriented towards explaining how to organize code comments such that Doxygen and Javadoc can produce good output, yet simultaneously make the comments in the libSBML code files be readable on their own. In addition, we use various home-grown scripts and programs to massage the output of SWIG to produce something that can be fed to the Doxygen and Javadoc-based processs. We write the documentation in source code and auxiliary files in a way that both Javadoc and Doxygen can process more or less equally, which requires that programmers and documentation authors follow various conventions described in the rest of this document.
Doxygen special commands software#
For almost all languages (C++, C#, C, Python, and others), the cornerstone of the approach is the open-source software tool Doxygen for Java, we use Javadoc instead. LibSBML's application programming interface (API) is documented using a combination of tools. This document is a collection of guidelines for libSBML authors to follow when writing documentation for libSBML code.